Intro - Creating a website with jekyll for hosting on github pages
This blog post is part of a series around building a website with Jekyll for hosting on github pages
Yes this is my first blog post! What better to start with then to explain how this blog was created with Jekyll, Github pages and docker.
In this blogpost series I will explain how to setup a blog website with Jekyll. How to test it locally with docker and how it can be published to github pages.
Why Jekyll ?
Jekyll is an open source static file generator. It allows you to write a static website in markup language. As my expertise lies in other IT domains than front end design this sounded like a perfect match.
Why Github pages ?
Github pages allows to host a website linked to a github repository. Any content pushed on a github repository can immediately be served as a static website. Additionally it’s free and works well together with Jekyll.
Why docker ?
I want to be able to test the blog website locally. Jekyll is running on Ruby. As I’m developping on a windows machine I did not want to go trough the hastle of having to install Ruby.